The month of May has been truly bizarre — weather-wise — and it’s not unique. Sun in the early morning, rain (while the sun is out) mid-morning, rain and massive winds by noon, sun by afternoon (honey, want to cut the grass?) and then massive winds.
What do we make of this? Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Life on Terceira is unexpected, changes immediately, and presents challenges to be overcome daily. So when you retire here, take it in stride. Learn to capitalize on whatever nature presents!
Sunrise is for breakfast, shining through windows on breakfast, winds at noon shaking windows and scaring neighborhood kittens, and crops and grass growing at seemingly miraculous rates, only to be harvested (fresh salad!) and mowed often. Of course, sitting on the veranda watching clouds, rainbows, sailing ships, and running cattle are part of the fascination.
My point is simple. Do your homework. Be flexible, patient and tolerant. And remember that the weather is unpredictable, but the friends and family you elected to retire with are always there…so enjoy them and show them that they are important, not the weather!
Retire with a purpose, and be dedicated to that purpose, weather (or other environmental factors) be damned.
In the words of wisdom from my dear departed mother….Be Happy! 🙂